Monday, June 15, 2009

I can see it happening again.

I can't afford to be hurt again. is it my fate for it to happen over and over again? People change. People change all too quick. i'm just left in the middle of it. i'm the remains, the truth that is thrown away. Discarded. it was all lies. It was all illusion. Things are back to the way they were years ago. One step Forward two steps back. I don't know where to turn. I can no longer go to anyone for support. I'm on my own again. I don't know what to do next. I've tried it all and failed. So I sit here... waiting my life away. Hope fading more and more each day. I just wish I had somewhere to go. someone to see. But the rubble remaining that was my life says otherwise.

I'm sitting hold on a Sat. holding back the tears. I can't believe things have resorted to this. I thought the days after days of sitting in darkness had passed. For the 1st time I saw hope in something again. But alas the outcome was the same. I don't know what to do. I've tryed to find work. I've tried to socialize again. I've tried to better myself. But years and years of constant (breaks off).

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